
Ending My Favorite Class

Wow! It is already the end of the semester? It feels like no time has passed at all and yet I have so much more knowledge than I did before. I was a little worried at first for this class. I was on the waitlist so I wasn’t even sure I would get in and then Brother Williams emailed all waitlisted students and almost scared me into dropping it! Haha good thing I didn’t because it ended up being my favorite class I have ever taken. Even though it was an 8 am class I gladly made the sacrifice because I knew if I didn’t go I would miss so much valuable information. I’m so bad at waking up in the morning and there were a couple of days where I accidentally slept in but because of how excited I was to go to this class I was able to wake up. Brother Williams talks so fast that I felt like if I even missed 5 minutes of class I would miss so much information that he had to give me.  This was my first semester as a marriage and family pre-clinical major. I was kind of nervous

Why Bother With That Crazy Thing Called Parenting?

Look, there are a bunch of ways to do parenting. There are so many methods and self-help books on it. So many opinions and voices telling you the way to parent your kids. So who’s right? Who actually knows what's going on? Nobody. And everybody.  There are a bunch of ways to do it right and a bunch of ways to do it wrong. Everybody is a little messed up from their childhood no matter how good and how bad you were because here’s a secret. Nobody’s perfect! Isn’t that great? That means that no parent is perfect either! We all make mistakes and that's okay! Of course there are better ways to do things and we should always be striving for betterness. Our kids are/will be some of the most important things in our lives and of course we want them to turn out okay and to be okay.  So why do we parent? Why do strive to do the best? Many reasons but a few are because we want to protect our children. Not only protect but we want to prepare our children for the world so that they ca

Fatherhood. A Noble Route to Take

Are you looking for a new path in life? Something to challenge you? Help you grow? Make you the best man you can be? Test you to your limits? Try Fatherhood! In this day and age fatherhood is downplayed and downgraded. Its mocked and misunderstood. It's a big responsibility and its being attacked, maybe not as full frontal as motherhood but the subtle workings of the devil cannot be missed any longer. Fatherhood is so important. It helps you to grow in the best ways possible and can be so rewarding. It benefits your children in so many ways it's hard to list them all. It is such a significant part of the family. A mother doesn’t want to do it all on her own. She needs support, comfort, and protection. Something that a father can selflessly provide. Why is fatherhood being attacked? Because it is so important. In the media, Fathers are stupid. The joke of the family. They get laughed at and mocked because they can’t seem to do anything right. They fall down a

The Importance of Keeping the Lord In Your Decision Making

Decision making. A pretty stressful time. Something that isn’t always clear and hard to understand. It can drive wedges in relationships or strengthen them. There is so much to decide in life. So many things that are thrown in our path that we have to figure out and make decisions on. It's tough business for sure. I think there is definitely a right way to make decisions and a whole lot of wrong way to make decisions. As parents and spouses we want to try our best to make the best decisions for our family. So that everyone involved can have the best opportunities and try and get everyone on the same wavelength. It's important to be on the same page as spouses when making decisions that affect everybody in the family. It’s difficult because we hardly ever are. There are a couple different decision making models we use without realizing it. There is the alternate model, the dependent model, and the divide and conquer model. All these models that can lead to problems

Being Aware and Not Worrying

This week in class we talked about stress in the family. It was pretty insightful to hear about family reactions to stress and difficulties and relating it to my family and what we’ve gone through. I think it’s interesting that we as a people almost forget sometimes that life can be hard. Its kind of stupid to say but its actually pretty common. When people are first getting married and starting their families they seem to think that marriage will solve their problems… It won’t. They think that once they find the right person everything will be sunshine and roses. It's a nice thought for sure. But life rarely is all sunshine and roses . Life is hard, and it always will be. It doesn’t matter who we have in our life, stuff is going to come up and that stuff won’t be easy.Realizing that trials can bring reimagined strength to the family dynamic is important. Being aware and prepared for the trials that can and probably will come up can help us in our marriages and our

The Easy and Innocent Roads That Could Lead to Infidelity. Protect Yourself and Your family!

“We show our faithfulness to God by loving him with all our heart, might, mind, and strength (D&C 4:2) We show fidelity to our spouse in the same ways. Indeed, our spouse is the only other things besides God who we are commanded to love with all our hearts.”( From Making a Love Connection) Fidelity to our spouse is one of the most important things we strive for in this life. Showing our spouse that we care and commit to them and ONLY them can create some of the highest joys in life. In that same vein breaking that commitment can create some of the lowest lows of sadness and insecurity we can experience. I think we all strive for complete commitment but there are just some things to be aware of. The beginnings of infidelity can start with something as innocent as having friends with the opposite gender. It can start with something very private like pornography that can go unnoticed for months or even years. It can lead to serious emotional detachment from

He's Not Just There To Put a Baby In You and Bring Home The Cash

Men, although powerful and often rule the professional world, get pushed aside when it comes to family and home matters. In the media Men are always the joke. The big dummies or idiots of the family. The fall down stairs and make stupid mistakes all for the comedic relief. When women are getting married it's not really a joint thing anymore is it? It is the women's day and their day only. Little girls grow up planning their wedding. They just need a plastic ken doll to stand in for the magical day. Also when the first baby is born. The mother is their 2nd in command and the man “just doesn’t understand!” For all this I kind of feel bad for them. Do we really discredit them so much? How could we distrust them so much with the children? With practical tasks? With the things that seem so important? Today in class we talked about the stresses that families with new children struggle with and for the most part it seems like the dad gets the short end of the stick. For me to say