The Easy and Innocent Roads That Could Lead to Infidelity. Protect Yourself and Your family!

“We show our faithfulness to God by loving him with all our heart, might, mind, and strength
(D&C 4:2) We show fidelity to our spouse in the same ways. Indeed, our spouse is the only
other things besides God who we are commanded to love with all our hearts.”( From Making
a Love Connection)

Fidelity to our spouse is one of the most important things we strive for in this life. Showing
our spouse that we care and commit to them and ONLY them can create some of the highest
joys in life. In that same vein breaking that commitment can create some of the lowest lows
of sadness and insecurity we can experience. I think we all strive for complete commitment
but there are just some things to be aware of. The beginnings of infidelity can start with
something as innocent as having friends with the opposite gender. It can start with something
very private like pornography that can go unnoticed for months or even years. It can lead to
serious emotional detachment from your spouse and serious attachment to someone else.
Being aware of the certain ways you can fall victim to infidelity is really important. We want
to protect ourselves from the possibilities of satan. We want to experience a beautiful and
wonderful marriage right? We have to know how to protect the one thing we are commanded
to love more than God.

You might not realize it but having male and female friendships after you’re married can be
very dangerous if you aren’t careful and aware. There is a lot of damage that can come from
something as innocent sounding as a friend. The only person of the opposite gender that
you should be actively cultivating a bond with is your spouse. Putting yourself in situations
where you can be deep and thoughtful with someone you aren’t married to can be risky even
if it seems so harmless. Creating bonds creates a sense of attachment. A sense of
attachment that should be reserved with your husband or wife. Once we realize the potential
risks and start to “cleave unto our husbands/wifes” we will be able to experience the full
range of joys that marriage brings.

Another big risk to marriage fidelity is the easy access to pornography. This day and age
we are so technologically advanced that porn is so easy to access without immediate
consequences. Back then you had to consciously make the decision every step of the way to
get porn into your hands. Now these days we almost just fall into it and if we’re not careful we
can fall into the addiction of it. Consuming destructive media not only kills your mind but it
kills your relationships with almost everybody around you. Its a long healing and recovery
process for not only you but your family and relatives that it ultimately affects. For a long
long time you can pretend it won’t change anything. And maybe for a long long time it won’t
but eventually you will have to come face to face with the choices you have made and
realize the consequences were far worse than you could’ve realized and far more destructive
than it originally seems.

Our families are the most important responsibilities we have here on earth. We
experience the happiest of times with our families but they can also be the source of
our deepest sorrows. Infidelity is a source that can cause some of the deepest
sorrows. It can tear families apart and create terrible memories. Obviously we don't
want this to happen. We want to combat the scary things that threaten our family joy.
The best way to do this is to be aware. Be aware of the opposite gender relationships
you have. Be aware of the media you consume from the easy accessible technology
we all have. Be aware of your spouse and have open honest conversations with them.
The family is your main priority don't mess it up with simple mistakes that can be
easily avoided. Your family and the blessings you can get from your family are to big
and too important to miss out on. Remember your family. Remember their importance
in your life and decide which is more important.


  1. Your writing has greatly improved over the weeks. Your flow is much more cohesive and your grammar has improved. I don't know what you did differently this time, but your formatting also looks neater. Good work!


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