Fatherhood. A Noble Route to Take

Are you looking for a new path in life? Something to challenge you? Help you grow? Make you
the best man you can be? Test you to your limits? Try Fatherhood! In this day and age fatherhood
is downplayed and downgraded. Its mocked and misunderstood. It's a big responsibility and its being
attacked, maybe not as full frontal as motherhood but the subtle workings of the devil cannot be
missed any longer. Fatherhood is so important. It helps you to grow in the best ways possible and
can be so rewarding. It benefits your children in so many ways it's hard to list them all. It is such
a significant part of the family. A mother doesn’t want to do it all on her own. She needs support,
comfort, and protection. Something that a father can selflessly provide. Why is fatherhood being
attacked? Because it is so important.

In the media, Fathers are stupid. The joke of the family. They get laughed at and mocked because
they can’t seem to do anything right. They fall down and get hurt in every possible way you can
imagine. The comedic relief. It is almost too easy to joke about it. This is not the way to set an example
for kids. They will see this joke of a father and declare they don’t want that. They want to be better
than that. They will think “I guess fatherhood just isn’t for me,” Because who wants to be the butt
of all jokes? Nobody does that's unfair. The family is subtlety and not so subtlety being attacked in
today's day and age. Motherhood is attacked day in and day out with abortions and the rise of
feminism and the push to pursue your career life. For a long time it didn’t seem like fatherhood
was getting that bad of a rep. Then it clicked into place and suddenly you see all the different bad
examples of fathers in the media. It's sad to see it at this point, but not surprising.

Fathers are so needed in a family setting. We don’t realize how good an impact they can have.
They provide stability and comfort. They provide a way for the mother to be in the home taking care
of the children which is extremely important. They can provide a sense of safety and give protection
when needed. The list goes on and on. We need men who can step up to the plate. The kind of men
that won’t let us down time and time again. Fatherhood is such a big responsibility! But it is the
best thing that you could ever do. The most rewarding thing you can ever do. The thing that will
help you grow and become the best person you can possibly be. It takes time. It takes practice.
You have to work hard to get the best benefits. That's just how life works. Especially in fatherhood.

Along with fatherhood comes the big responsibility of being a husband. They come hand in hand
in most cases. It’s hard to be a good dad if you aren’t a good husband. Children are so impressionable.
If you want to teach them how to treat a woman or how a woman should be treated you need to
show them how by being the best example you can be to your wife. They watch they way you interact
even when you don’t think they are. Showing love and affection to your wife will show your kids how
to show love and affection to the other people in their life. Additionally, your wife doesn’t want to do it all alone. Sure you may be at work all day but raising kids is hard and she will need your help.
Marriage is about mutual toleration and selfless acts. You can’t have a great marriage if you are
selfish. Maybe you can get by but it will be hard and it won’t be enjoyably. Marriage is supposed to
be enjoyed and you should try to do all you can to keep it enjoyable. Selfless acts of love speak

As you can see fatherhood is important. It might be the most important thing you ever do. So do
it right. Try your best. Be the best that you can be for your family. They deserve they best you and
you are responsible for giving that to them.


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