Ending My Favorite Class

Wow! It is already the end of the semester? It feels like no time has passed at all and yet I have
so much more knowledge than I did before. I was a little worried at first for this class. I was on
the waitlist so I wasn’t even sure I would get in and then Brother Williams emailed all waitlisted
students and almost scared me into dropping it! Haha good thing I didn’t because it ended up
being my favorite class I have ever taken. Even though it was an 8 am class I gladly made the
sacrifice because I knew if I didn’t go I would miss so much valuable information. I’m so bad at
waking up in the morning and there were a couple of days where I accidentally slept in but
because of how excited I was to go to this class I was able to wake up. Brother Williams talks
so fast that I felt like if I even missed 5 minutes of class I would miss so much information that
he had to give me. 

This was my first semester as a marriage and family pre-clinical major. I was kind of nervous
and kind of excited to see if I made the right decision. Luckily this semester has showed me
that I did not make the wrong decision. If anything I made the best decision I could have
possibly made. I know now that Marriage and family therapy is the job for me. This class made
me realize how much I love marriage and how much love and empathy I have for the people
in my life. It gave me a lot of insight into the career of a marriage and family therapist and I
already have recommended this class to pretty much everybody that I talk to. There are definitely
things that I have learned from this class that I will always remember. I learned about the 5 steps
to disarming disagreements. I learned about decision making methods and the best one to use.
I learned about dating and how to do it properly even if there are difficulties in our society to get
their. I learned a lot about cultures and how the family dynamic works across the world. I loved
learning about the newly married couple. How life is for them and how things change when children
come. It made me feel a little more prepared for marriage whenever that happens for me. I learned
some very insightful things about sexual intimacy and things to watch out for with Infidelity.
There are some things that seem very innocent that can lead down scary paths of sin and infidelity.
There was so much I wanted to learn when we were on the gender unit and so much information
that Is now so important to me. 

Brother Williams has given me a lot of perspectives I had never thought of. He told us that he
was struggling with some really hard adversities this semester and yet he still came to class
and gave his all. He was one of my favorite teachers and I honestly wish he taught more classes
because I would take them all. I feel like there is so much I could learn from him and I respect
him so much. 

To say the least I have learned so much more than I thought I would. Or at least learned so much more information that I will value and remember than I thought I would. It has created a sense of calmness in me as I progress in my new major and has excited me to learn even more than i have this semester. I hope I have more family classes like this in the future.


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